Le-Pash Eithel-twice BOB

Le-Pash Eithel-twice BOB

19 and 20 January at the exhibition center Garden City were two dog shows

19th January, dog show "Severny Venets"

Judge- Zoya Bogdanova (Russia)
Le-Pash Eithel (Yonhaltijain Dernin Morri x Le-Pash River)- 1 exc., CW, CAC, BOS, BOB

20th January, dog show "Baltic Show"

Judge- Nemanja Jovanovic (Serbia)
Le-Pash Eithel (Yonhaltijain Dernin Morri x Le-Pash River)- 1 exc., CW, CAC, BOS, BOB

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Comments (4)

  • Wonderful !!!! We are verry happy and proud..Thank.. We kiss you.
    • Elena Ivanova

      28 March 2013 at 22:35 |
      Thanks dear Nadine
  • Eija

    23 January 2013 at 22:18 |
    Congratulations Eithel & Elena ! Really great results !
    • Elena Ivanova

      24 January 2013 at 12:28 |
      Thanks for your congratulations, dear Eija!

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